Purpose - Direction - Faith

A single thing worth fighting for

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In an attempt to NOT put everything on my mind in a Facebook status. I thought I'd set up a running 'thought' list here on my blog. (so I do it on a blog instead of facebook - cut me some slack)

It'll be interesting to see what goes up here.

April 6th - 11:53AM
Listening to "can you feel the love tonight" and slightly singing out loud at work. Getting some stares ;)

April 7th - 9:34PM
Singing to worship music while driving out on country roads at night. Just a few of my favorite things

April 9th - 8:05PM
Okay how wonderful is this? Editing a video in the nook, while stuffed portabelo mushrooms are cooking. Goo Goo Dolls are playing in the background, and I am eating french bread with oil and vinger! I don't think I could ask for a better evening. Oh wait! I have a glass full of frozen berries to eat too!!

April 10th - 2:28PM
Biking through farmlands outside Duvall and Carnation. Life doesn't get any better

April 12th - 1:32PM
Attempted to blow very loudly into a Kazoo to scare Michelle at work. Went through 5 Kazoos because they were all broken and made no noise. Upon trying the 6th, I was made aware that you are suppose to hum into a kazoo to get it to make noise. Awesome..haha

April 21st - 1:47PM
'Angel of Music' just came on my Itunes. Reminds me that I still want to see Phantom of the Opera!

April 26th - 7:54PM
Sitting in hotel in Costa Mesa day before appearing in court as a witness for a murder trial. Little nervous.

May 4th - 5:11PM
I've had the song "Always" by Switchfoot in my head for the whole day. Such a marvelous song. I need to thank a special someone for making me an amazing CD and introducing me to it. Hopefully I will remember to thank them ;)

May 7th: 11:08PM
Friday night listening to Pandora, getting new and old music that I love. Hillsong: Stand. I love this song. I love this night

May 23rd: 4:04PM
Sitting in the nook editing and listing to new music for future projects. Wondering if you ever think of me.

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