Purpose - Direction - Faith

A single thing worth fighting for

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lightning in the Face!

Last night was a most amazing evening.

It was roughly 11:30pm, the housemates had all tucked themselves away into bed and I, being a facebook addict, was up a bit later than anyone else. Well the hour rolled around and I left for the long treck to bed.

First stop, the always important teeth brushing exercise in the 2nd floor bathroom. This is where the night gets interesting...

So there I am brushing away, to the left of the mirror is a window pointing towards the SouthWest. Out of my peripheral vision I see the fattiest lightning bolt blast through the sky! Being a physics major I quickly open the window and count the seconds until I hear the thunder. HMMM roughly 6 miles away, not bad I say. I shoot a quick text message out to a friend and return to the window. This time my head fully extruding into the bitter outdoor weather.

white flash

I literally witnessed, that is to say I freaking SAW a lightning bolt blast a tree across our alley. No more than 25 feet away from my current location. Needless to say this scared the beejeszess out of me! I started hyperventalating and started screaming into the house! All my housemates flew out of their rooms, half naked, thinking I had been shot!

What followed was a two minute period in which we decided whether or not the tree was on fire. As there was a fiery glow protruding from the middle of the tree. Not to mention embers floating into the air!

We decided it was and I called 911 and reported this awesome event! While on the phone - this is the bizzarre part which I assume many in Seattle can confirm - it started hailing and raining extremely hard! The windows blew up and us, being half naked, caught quite off guard.

All-in-all the firetruck came, I showed them the tree, which at this point was no longer glowing. But better safe then sorry. Spectacular night, mother nature flexing her muscles, or (mother with muscles - not sure I like that metaphor) you get the idea.

Glad my head wasn't the tree. That is for sure. AMAZING, love life.


  1. Alec this is brilliant! Thank you for the laughs that brough my housemates down to read...I'm also glad it wasn't your head. Cheers from Liverpool

  2. alec. when are you coming to travel with me? i've seen SO MUCH lightning since i got here and no trees struck!
