Purpose - Direction - Faith

A single thing worth fighting for

Monday, March 9, 2009

Graduate school finally showed up

So the course of the past six months have been pretty entertaining when it came to my future. I applied to graduate schools in December for Structural Engineering. I'm really excited about the possibility of going to school again, the subject really interests me. Yet in the midst of the last two months - alot has happened. Nothing to deter me from graduate school, but just other stuff. I guess I got more and more dis-couraged that I'd get into a school - being a physics undergrad NOT an engineering undergrad.

Low and behold I am excepted into a great school and am getting flown out there to visit it. All in the course of a week. It's really exciting how God throws stuff at ya. I'm super pumped for this weekend and can't wait to check out this school.

I am seriously wayyyy tooo blessssed

1 comment:

  1. congrats!! that's HUGE. let us know how it goes :D
