Sleep, work, play, sleep, work, play. Lately the hum has been ringing through my life. Am I to complain? Not at all, how blessed I am. Yet where does living fit in with this hum? Is it rather the tone of the hum? Or am I simply characterizing the life I want to live as something which deviates from what grand master plan the Lord has for me? If so why do I, or better yet, how can I love one so much, yet not desire the hum to press against the inside of my head? A hum spoken by the creator of the universe.
Living, for me, is a subjective experience quantified by the wants and desires of my heart. Yet my soul, my heart, isn't always a book open to read, even to me - the author. To have such an experience as living, one where living can only be defined by the measures of my heart ----
I have to reconcile, not just my desires, my wants, and even my fears, but I have to reconcile my will to God. I have to choose to believe, to follow, to hand over, to submit, to be under authority, to love, to lean on. It is a choice birthed by decision, but lived through by a truth.
A truth which defines who I am, why I desire and want, why I fear, what I struggle with, where I am going, how I am to live. Daily I die, daily I choose truth. What is truth?

Jesus Christ is God
He loves me
He died for me
He will never forsake me
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