Purpose - Direction - Faith

A single thing worth fighting for

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In an attempt to NOT put everything on my mind in a Facebook status. I thought I'd set up a running 'thought' list here on my blog. (so I do it on a blog instead of facebook - cut me some slack)

It'll be interesting to see what goes up here.

April 6th - 11:53AM
Listening to "can you feel the love tonight" and slightly singing out loud at work. Getting some stares ;)

April 7th - 9:34PM
Singing to worship music while driving out on country roads at night. Just a few of my favorite things

April 9th - 8:05PM
Okay how wonderful is this? Editing a video in the nook, while stuffed portabelo mushrooms are cooking. Goo Goo Dolls are playing in the background, and I am eating french bread with oil and vinger! I don't think I could ask for a better evening. Oh wait! I have a glass full of frozen berries to eat too!!

April 10th - 2:28PM
Biking through farmlands outside Duvall and Carnation. Life doesn't get any better

April 12th - 1:32PM
Attempted to blow very loudly into a Kazoo to scare Michelle at work. Went through 5 Kazoos because they were all broken and made no noise. Upon trying the 6th, I was made aware that you are suppose to hum into a kazoo to get it to make noise. Awesome..haha

April 21st - 1:47PM
'Angel of Music' just came on my Itunes. Reminds me that I still want to see Phantom of the Opera!

April 26th - 7:54PM
Sitting in hotel in Costa Mesa day before appearing in court as a witness for a murder trial. Little nervous.

May 4th - 5:11PM
I've had the song "Always" by Switchfoot in my head for the whole day. Such a marvelous song. I need to thank a special someone for making me an amazing CD and introducing me to it. Hopefully I will remember to thank them ;)

May 7th: 11:08PM
Friday night listening to Pandora, getting new and old music that I love. Hillsong: Stand. I love this song. I love this night

May 23rd: 4:04PM
Sitting in the nook editing and listing to new music for future projects. Wondering if you ever think of me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A perfect moment

For some these happen far to few, I've started to believe that they actually happen all too often, and we pass them by obliviously. It takes a certain about of focus, training your heart to be tuned to the things that matter. Regardless, when you are in those still moments when the world stirs with color and your heart calms its a God given moment of peace. I had one of those this morning.

Imagine that feeling, its a stormy night, you are tucked into your bed with a good book. Your room, unfortunately, doesn't get enough heat, so you wrap yourself in more blankets than usual. The rain hits the roof. The soft drowning of rain rattling on the roof offers a security and comfort from the storm outside. Hold that feeling.

I woke up this morning avoiding the fact that I needed to ride my bike for a few hours this morning. I had been up the night before skyping with China, that coupled with me not being a great morning person made for a reluctant bike ride. I got dressed and set off on a cool crisp overcast morning.

Here is where God showed up on my ride. I turn down seaview road, heading down the bluff. Its been a light drizzle all morning, raindrops have formed on my glasses. I'm going down hill, so i lean forward and let gravity carry me down the road. That's when it happens. The skies opened up a little more and it rained. Just pouring on me. But. it was magical. My ears were covered by my skullcap and all I could hear was the patter of rain on my helmet just like being inside your room in a storm. It was just me, the wind, my bike, and the road. The world was quite. I wasn't tired, I wasn't hungry, I wasn't worrying about getting into work, I wasn't cold or hot, I was just calm and at peace.

I turned off of Seaview right into golden gardens. Usually a spot of commotion and people. No one in sight. The beach was the picture of peace and quietness. Large flocks of birds were skimming the water as I rode by. Everything was amazing.

God gave me a moment of peace this morning. Gifts like these are unexpected and beautiful. I pray your heart is open to the moments He has for you.

Thanks for reading

Follow up @ 4:19pm
AND now the weather is sunny and gorgeous!