Purpose - Direction - Faith

A single thing worth fighting for

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Great Life

What is a great life? Aside from the subjective nature of how each individual can determine the merits of their own, that is to say enjoyable life - Where does that leave one who stares into the deep vastness of the future before them?

There is substance in enjoying the now, i fully agree. Carpe Deim - I've always been a fan. What makes a life deviate the normal path of ordinary, and set out the unfamiliar one of the extraordinary.

I will tell you. Risk

Will you fight for that life? For that opportunity? For the chance of being something extraordinary? You will have to fight, to give yourself to it. You've heard it before, but maybe not like this.

Fight, Risk, Challenge, sacrifice - This is what you will face.

I've never felt that I was much of a fighter. With work, school, love, family even my faith. But I want to fight for my life. Its the only one I have. I'm almost a quarter of a century into it. I am going to stop wasting time.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Son!! I just got here. (Where've I been anyhow?) And I'm very impressed. Well Done! Very Well Done!! Your insights are leading edge stuff. Your writing and artistic skills are very high level. It would be easy to deduce that God has an unfathomable escrow of delicious experiences ready for you. The closer you get to Him, the quicker things manifest. Hmmmm Ya! Neveroutoflove4U.
