- Getting my first speeding ticket, which was reduced because I pulled over before the cop could put the radar gun down (I am a nice guy)
- Being held at the border for 40min while car was searched. FYI have cash and a place to stay when crossing border. Or be prepared to lie and say so.
- Purchasing American flag and wearing it. The entire day.
- Meeting people from across the world! 16 different flags we saw and documented with a photo of us and them.
- Canadians! Okay, this is worthy of a side note.
NOTE: Canadians are the nicest people ever! Honestly so helpful and kind. While we were filling the role of being the stubborn and obnoxious Americans, they were nothing but friendly and excited to meet you. Okay not always, at times we did get some negative attention, but more often then not the person who was chanting F&*% America would turn around and high five you and say you were awesome. Honestly! Who does that!? Canadians do!
- Leaving that wonderful city at 1 am, catching the last Sky train out of the city. We were ducking the gate as they closed the station.
- Driving to and realizing aldergrove crossing was closed.
- Drived through Abbortsford to make Sumas crossing
- Reaching home in Seattle at 530 am and sleeping!

I've got an audition today. I'm really excited for it, its the first one in a long time. Its for a part in this non-union tv show. I am playing a guy named Christopher. Here's his description;
"Christopher Marigold: (23: Caucasian) He is fit, handsome, well dressed and
always put together. Chris is the youngest Marigold son. He is a talented pastry chef who is on the fast track to success, with his good looks and innovative approach to cuisine. He's a bit metro-sexual, very confident and is die hard into the "green" movement."
Pretty awesome huh? Im way excited and can't wait, wish me luck!
I've been going through a bit of a rough patch with my faith as of late. But Christ has been peeping through the darkness in different spots as of late. My time in China has really been messing with my social clock and solitude in Christ. I'm working with it, but appreciate any and all prayers. Christ is my lord and savior no matter what. I need to get through this and continue with the man he has/is making me into.
In my weakness he is strong, i just need to call on Him.
"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:3-4