I was over there for the company I work for. Our new product was in first production and I oversaw the QA (quality assessment) for the line. Needless to say everything was paid for. I just wanted to throw out some amazing highlights of what happend on the trip and what the time away did for my life.
1. I watched the movie Bolt on the plane ride over and back from China. SUCH a sweet movie, totally recommend it
2. I had a Chinese foot massage the first night there. Definitely a highlight of the country.
3. I stayed up 30 hours to avoid jet lag when I got home, as a result I had some amazing conversations in the San Fran airport while I was in layover.
4. Lastly and most importantly I finished the book The Shack on a taxi ride from Hong Kong International airport to ShenZhen proper.
The taxi ride was so great! First off the book is unbelievable. One of the better books I have ever read. As macho as I am, I couldn't help tear up throughout the book. [clarification: tearing up isn't crying. Its like manly tears, or something like that]. But regardless, I was in a van full of Chinese businessmen, none of which spoke english. So when I tried to explain why I was enjoying a book that brought me tears, well it just didn't work out. I think they believe Americans, or at least young tall, odd looking americans, enjoy self-inflicted agony or something.
Ahh but I am getting off point. If you haven't read the book, I strongly encourage you to. It has helped define my relationship to the Trinity, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It gives a much more personable approach to it. It couldn't have come at a better time to. I've been going through a rough tiff with some stuff in life and loved that God gave me what He did through this book.
I got alot of perspective on situations and relationships back here in the states from my time in China. I'm excited to move forward now because I'm no longer living in anxiety and confusion over certain things. But I've found freedom and contentness within them.
And to think I was nervous to go back to China. Praise be to God
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