Three hour layover in Taipei.
Don't ever focus on the bad and choose to see only the despair in life. Its easy to do, I know. We're conditioned to choose this fate. It comforts us, in a very intrinsic and deep level, when we are confronted with the grace of Christ. Grace is a pill we easily choke on, because we are sinful creatures. The weight of this existence weighs heavily on our morality when we come face to face to a life devoted to God. As a result we cower, we see the bad, we choose, albeit unknowingly, to live in constant reminder of the inadequacy of ourselves.
Here's something. Thats selfish.
"We rob Jesus of glory when we do that too, cause we are basically saying, Sorry Jesus, your death wasn't good enough to save me, there needs to be something more" - Kyle Doherty
Humble ourselves not only to God, Christ, but to our own misgivings. Choose to see His glory. Its a choice, an action, one to be made continually as an act of faith to our creator. Don't live the lie of inadequacy, because you aren't being honorable, you're being selfish, trying to satisfy your own sinful condition, justifying it on some level. Don't. Jesus died for you, don't waste that. Always live into the freedom and love that He gave to us by dying on the cross.